How can I add my entire menu?

One of the first steps to using the TapTasty system is to upload the dishes you want to sell using the TapTasty sales modules. This article helps you understand how to upload the whole menu at once.

Elvis Păunovici
Written by Elvis PăunoviciLast update 7 months ago

To add your entire menu, click on ”SETTINGS” and then on ”Locations.

Click on the "Edit" button next to the location for which you want to add the menu.

Click on the "Upload menu form" button to jump to the menu upload section and click on the "Download" button to download the import document you need to complete with your menu.

Open the document you downloaded and fill it out according to the instructions in this article or above each column in the document. The document is divided into eleven columns that should be filled in exactly as you wish your menu to appear in the TapTasty sales modules.

These columns are:

  • TOP CATEGORY (PARENT) - This column should be filled in only if you want to group several categories into a single category. The top category contains the main categories, and the main categories contain products.

  • MAIN CATEGORY - It’s required to fill in this column. The main category is used to group the products. 

  • SECONDARY CATEGORY - This column should be filled in only if you want a certain product to be part of other main categories than the one you entered in the MAIN CATEGORY next to the product. You can add multiple categories followed by a comma.

  • PRODUCT NAME - It’s required to fill in this column with the names of the products. The product you add on a certain line will be added to the categories written on the same line to its left.

  • PRICE - It’s required to fill in this column with the products’ price.

  • DESCRIPTION - This column only needs to be filled in if you want to display a product description when it is opened by customers in the TapTasty sales modules.

  • NUTRITIONAL VALUES - This column should be filled in if you want to display the nutritional values of the products.

  • ALLERGENS- This column should be filled in if you want to display the allergens that your products contain.

  • ACTIVE / INACTIVE - This column must be completed only if you want to enter both active products from the first and those that you want to be inactive. In the case of this situation, complete with 1 next to the active products and -1 next to the products you want to be added into the system but to be inactive.

  • POS ID - This column should be filled in with your product POS IDs only if integration with a POS management system has been activated.

  • IMAGE - To complete this column, you first need product images. Once you have the images, you can enter their name next to the product you want to associate the image with.
    NOTE: The name of the image must be identical to the one added in the IMAGE column and must be added without spaces or with the help of these signs: _ or -. Examples: pasta_carbonara, pasta-carbonara.jpg, pastacarbonara).
    NOTE:.The images must be in .jpg or .png format and must not exceed 5mb. The smaller their size - for example, 500kb - the faster the system will work. At the same time, the image archive cannot exceed 35mb.

    According to the example above, in TapTasty sales modules will appear:

    • One top category (PASTA)

    • Two main categories (ITALIAN PASTA AND AMERICAN PASTA)

    • Only a product in the ITALIAN PASTA category (Carbonara)

    • Two products in the AMERICAN PASTA category (Carbonara and Mac'n Cheese)

    • Both products should have a description, nutritional values, and allergens

    • Carbonara product will be active, and Mac’n Cheese product will be inactive

    • The image with the name carbonara.jpg will be associated with the Carbonara product, and the image with macncheese.jpg will be associated with the Mac’n Cheese product

Save the document you have filled in, create an archive of the product images, and return to the TapTasty admin panel (NOTE: The archive must contain only the images. They must not be grouped into folders or put into a single folder to be archived after).

Once you have the document filled out and the image archived, you can upload the entire menu (NOTE: The menu is uploaded at the location level. So, if you have multiple locations with the same menu, you must repeat the procedure below for each location. If you have multiple locations with different menus, you must complete a document for each location and have a separate image archive for each location).

Click the "Browse" button for the image archive, select the archive you created, click the "Upload" button, and wait until the system displays a confirmation message.

After that, click on the "Browse" button for the menu, select the document you filled in, click on the "Upload" button, and wait for the system to display a confirmation message.

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